Saturday, May 29, 2010

And God said "Let there be Space Needles!"


over the past two months, I have been searching for direction. Direction in the area of
education. After my under-graduate work is finished.

Four days ago (late updating I know) I was sitting at my desk when it hit me.

one word: Seattle

It was like God spoke it audibly. Maybe he did? However it got into my room, I knew it was meant to be taken up and run with. So, after much celebration and a long long wai
t, I have decided to pursue my career from The University of Washington.

Excitement is alive and amped in my veins.

I cannot cannot wait.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

10 years ago and forever

I think it's sunday afternoons such as these. that my memories work both for me, and against me. you see, without including a John Mayer cliche, i feel, sometimes, that half of my heart is still in the hands of a blonde headed Texas girl who's never coming back.

~ we'd sit on the dock, out by the lake. sundays after church. and have ice cream cones, and talk about how we couldn't wait to graduate. and all that we were going to do once we did. well...

here we are.

doing all we've done.

she's married these days. and I'm pursuing the sun like never before. giving time a run for it's money.

My bronco was bright red on top with a white stripe down the side. It smelled like gasoline and high school. And it was perfect. and so was she. that day.

~I believe that during our youth, we undergo moments that bring about feelings which will never be reproduced. some things are one time, only time. and you'd better soak them in. because before you can blink, you'll wake up and she won't be there.

all my love, to the girl who's picture sat forever on my dashboard,


this photo was taken 4 years ago this memorial day weekend, and yes, that is CL in the back seat. what a youth.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

apologies, if I'm blowing up you're feed.

the time will one day come. when i again grow weary of writing on this blog.

but that day, certainly, certainly, isn't today.

so I'm going to write : )
~regardless of reason~

This is a list, of things I would change, given the chance.
(I think, possibly in order from least to greatest)

10) My dog would never grow old, and she'd always be there to meet me at the door when I visit my parents house.

9) People wouldn't demolish buildings that I deemed castles when I was a child.

8) My Norah Jones cd would never need to be re-started.

7) John Mayer wouldn't be such a douche bag. He would just make good music.

6) Trends never existed.

5) I want to fly ~ I love heights.

4) I wish I would have grown up in the mountains of Colorado.

3) My parents would never grow old.

2) My sister wouldn't be gone.

1) people would Love each other

~from my rainy city, to yours~


Miss Piaf

Edith Piaf could quite possibly be one of my new favorites. Click here to listen.

-La Vie En Rose


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


average Tuesday nights.

what are they good for? besides naming blogs after, that is. (haha?)

Tuesday nights. Hmmm. as i sit here, buried in the suburbs of this small tow
n, watching the white curtains flail as the breeze seeps through the window.... i can't help but feel somewhat secure. Admittedly. The consistency and silence of the small town life can be captivating. I'll admit, I like coming home to a quiet place. Business = loud. Rest = silence.

here, at home, despite the neighbors naked 3 year old hang
ing out the window next door, and his mother yelling something from the curb in spanish, it's a pretty nice resting place.

Sometimes when I'm here, at my parent's getaway island. In Suburbia. I miss Charlie. Charlie is the man who I first met on the streets of Downtown Dallas. a 5 foot 7 lanky, scrappy, black man who was wearing only a leather jacket, black jeans, and a sock cap. in the middle of December that is. He was standing outside of a gas station where I'd pulled up to ask for directions. without knowing what he was loitering for, I walked up and gave him one of t
he couple double cheesburgers I'd just bought at the McDonalds down the street. at 11:38 pm. in downtown Dallas, Texas. My life changed.

you see, it wasn't food he was after, it was quarters. quarters that would buy him a shower. in the car wash. beside the gas station. Where his old, rusty, beaten car was parked. With his fresh clothes (fresh-er than the ones he had on, mind you) laying on the hood.

He was looking for a shower. In the middle of December.

At a car wash.

Everything I've ever had, and ever will have, suddenly fell into the category of 'unnecessary'
and I deemed myself spoiled.

he was not a beggar. he was homeless.

My heart fell out of my chest as this man began to tell me about how God had blessed him, and how he was trusting in God's continued blessing. He shared scripture with me, most of which I couldn't have recited myself. He explained to me, that there were two kinds of homeless. The ones who wanted to stay homeless. and the ones who wanted to get out.

"The Lord's goin' get me out'!"

-he shouted.

I gave him the couple bucks in cash that I had in my wallet, said a prayer with him, and pulled out of that gas station forever changed.

Tonight, as I sit here in quiet, peaceful suburbia, I think of Charlie. who is somewhere on the streets of Dallas, Texas. And I pray, that he gets out.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I believe, that the greatest and most satisfying moments in life are those that arise in the midst of normalcy. The moments that knew no anticipation. The moments we never see coming.

I believe also, that the truest of love can arise within these moments.

and i believe it will.

~My Love~
I hope you hope to sail.

And I hope you don't mind when you come home to find the wooden living room floor, cleared of all our furniture. I with my hand out, asking "may I have this dance?"

As the old record player in the kitchen softly whispers Billie Holiday, we'll waltz into the shallow morning hours.

i'll be there at dawn's first light, my hand by your side. That is, as long as you don't mind pancakes on a hard wooden floor. (for I deem myself an excellent cook)

~All my love~

Thursday, May 13, 2010

This is Beautiful

this is worth sharing.

According to legend, once the sand of Key West is in your shoes, you cannot go back from whence you came. It is true for me. I’m alone on the beach watching the blood-red sun baptized in the Gulf of Mexico. And there is no returning to what I left behind.

The air is saturated with the smells of salt water and kelp and the sounds of breaking waves and screeching seagulls. Some part of me wonders if this might be a dream and hopes I’ll wake in bed and find that I’m still in Seattle, and McKale is gently running her fingernails up and down my back. She would whisper, “Are you awake, my love?” I would turn to her and say, “You’ll never believe what I just dreamed.”

But it’s no dream. I’ve walked the entire length of the country. And the woman I love is never coming back.

The water before me is as blue as windshield wiper fluid. I feel the twilight breeze against my unshaven, sunburned face, and I close my eyes. I’ve come a long way to get here—nearly 3,500 miles. But, in ways, I’ve come much further. Journeys cannot always be measured in physical distance.

excerpts from The Walk, by Richard Evans

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

There are times.

I can't sleep at night.

No matter how hard I try...

I dont have the strength to fight.

All of the ghosts and demons,
they howl my trail

Oh how they howl and crow
waiting for me to fail

and I dont want to give in

I dont want to let them win

and I don't give them and excuse.

But there are times...
when I do.

I've dug many holes.
Some I've dug way too deep.
I was only trying,

to bury a treasure I could not keep.

After I buried her memory,
I looked up to find,
There was no one to save me.

And I'd built a wall too high to climb.