Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Dock

Chapter 1

He was sitting on the dock already when she pulled into the lake parking lot.

She noticed that he wasn't fishing like he usually would be. He was just sitting there, staring off across the water. And this worried her.
As she walked down the bank, closer toward the dock, she could feel the muscles in her throat tighten. Her palms began to sweat, and fear of what "the talk" was going to bring....overwhelmed her.

She pushed her feelings to the side (an ability she had perfected far too well) and sat down beside the man she knew she'd fallen for. His eyes didn't waver from the intense focus he had out across the water. This too, threw exponent to her worry.
Silence was the only one speaking for five or more minutes. Just then, in the midst of a breath of hot summer air sweeping off of the lake, he turned to her.

"I'll always love you" - he said.

her heart sank.

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