Monday, June 21, 2010

If today were you're last day

I woke up late.

Later than normal, that is.
at 6:45am my conscience wouldn't let me lay in my twin sized bed any longer. I arrived back in College Town, America around 1am last night. Tired, but happy.

I can't dance around what I'm feeling this morning, so straight forward is what I'm laying down.

I want to live every day, and breathe every breath as if it were my last.
There's no room left in my soul to count on tomorrow. I am too in love with today.

Even though down times come. Every day may not live up to our expectations. But it's important to recognize when it does.

There are a few specific moments in my life, that I cherish beyond my heart's capability. Moments that make my chest feel as if I'm being crushed by boulders that make it hard to breath. Moments that I fall so deeply into, that I can hardly savor them, knowing they'll end.

The photo below was one of those moments.

laugh as long as you breathe, and love as long as you live

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