Beneath the thick looking (but actually very thin) outer layer of personality that we all wear on our sleeves, each of us are fighting. Waging wars, and battles within our souls. Beneath the superficial concept of a smile that we all convey, there lay holes. There lay deep, grey, holes.
Good days are awesome. They are fantastic. Those days when you look up at the sun and look around at the people you love, and think, "how could this moment be better." But then there's the night. The night that comes when you sit. You sit and think about all of the events that have taken place in your past, and have molded this reality you sit in...(only for glimpse seconds of time).
This place where I sit. This place where I look. This place where I wonder.... "how far above the stars do I have to gaze before I see love, hiding there in the midst of the cosmos?" I cannot answer this question. I can tell you how to be a good man. I can tell you how to love people. I can tell you how to be respected, well thought-of, and wealthy from the fruits of your hard work......... but I cannot, still, answer the question. Where is love (she) hiding.
I'd like to think...... she isn't hiding at all. She's searching rather. She's sitting somewhere alone, journaling a sappy love letter that she'll someday give to the one she always knew waited for her. She's waking up every day promising herself that she won't blink, so as not to miss the love of her life, that could enter her world any moment.
She's not a beauty queen. He wouldn't want her that way. He wouldn't care. On the outside she looks simple. On the outside she blends in with the rest of the world. But the world has no idea what lies in her heart. The world has no idea that she wishes she lived in New York City, and the 1920's were the best era in American history. The world has no idea, she wants it to rain two thirds of the year, and snow ten feet high in the Winters. The world has no idea. But he does. But I do.
Another sappy love letter to you-
There's something so appealing to me in love that has persisted for a great number of years. Worn love. Aged love. Tarnished, and torn, and repaired love. Love that, despite the world's oppositions..... made it. Love that won. Love that beat the odds. Love that lasted.
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