Sunday, July 25, 2010

If there were a metaphor for R-A-N-T (insert here)

I most truly believe that whomever first created the idea of web blogs, and/or blogging had the intention to use such a tool as a means to vent. So, as to follow in the footsteps of blogging's founders, I'd like to say the following....

Being a jerk does not make you any cooler of a person. It makes you a jerk. The glory and self fulfillment that you get when putting others down, is a load of crap. It shows that you have a self confidence problem, and that you never had your chance to be the bully on the playground in Elementary school. So next time you think you're feeling witty.....spare the world, because though I may not speak for everyone, I can certainly speak for myself in saying "I don't want to hear your self glorifying word vomit."

Now that things have been cleared up....

Lately I've been in a pinch, bind, or whatever other metaphor you'd call BROKE.
In an effort to boycott the corrupted university housing department, I have moved off of campus. My issue however, does not result as a problem with the physical moving of my things, but as a result of everyone wanting my check book. Pay for water and electric monthly? Sure, I'll do that. Pay a $100 start-up fee to each? No, I'll defecate down the street for a while.

Here's a little message in a bottle for everyone who's reaching for my hard earned, college-broke, full time student, try to be nice to you MONEY.....

-If you think you'll beat me, you're wrong.
-If you think you'll have my money, you're twice wrong.
-If you think I'm going to be mad at you for asking for my money, you are THREE times wrong. I realize you're working for $7.25/ hourly with a company who wants my money, in an effort to support your own family. So don't worry City Utility lady....I'll still wave at you.

Taking a break, taking a breath, and moving past it,


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