Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sitting in the quiet of this upstairs apartment, i can't help but be happy about life right now. Today, January 9th, it snowed for the first time of the season. Not much, but enough to force me to put on a pot of coffee mid-afternoon.

I never really wrote a resolution for the new year, and since it IS only January still, i figure the rules say I'm not too late.
In the year past, so many life lessons came my way. I moved off campus, picked up a second job, and sat in on countless Saturday surgeries in the operating room. So many things changed, and so many things became harder in 2010, but I learned so much. I learned in between the pages of books, and i also learned in the streets of this town. Lots about people, and types of people. Reading people, and how to make a patient confortable in the presence of someone the dont know. This year medicine became not just an area of interest, but a job. Three-Four days a week this year, I was into it head first and hands on. There hasn't been a minute of it that I havent loved. And that's been a great confirmation of sorts. That I'm headed into a field I'll enjoy.

in 2011....I would aim to...

1. Love people more
2. Walk, don't drive
3. Create a budget
4. Follow the budget
5. Write more poems
6. Speak more
7. Hesitate less
8. Tolerate more
9. Tolerate less
10. Plan more
11. Be more romantic
12. Be less of a romantic
13. Work on a story
14. 14's a vad number
15. Invest in people who matter
16. Overcome vices
17. Recognize infatuation
18. Appreciate infatuation
19. Overcome infatuation
20. Make a woman smile
21. Make another woman smile
22. Read more
23. Watch less
24. Think before acting
25. Speak before hesitating
26. Drink more coffee
27. Work more
28. Rest more
29. Carry pen and paper always
30. Write "The Rules"
31. Blog more
32. Walk away without looking back
33. Say good-bye less
34. Say good-bye and mean it
35. Expand consciousness
36. Maintain focus
37. Listen to more music
38. Make music more often
39. Make love more often (not sex)
40. Make love more often (sex)
41. Lie less when it matters
42. Lie more when it doesn't
43. Give more people poems
44. Articulate more clearly
45. Stop letting people use words incorrectly
46. Less zealotry
47. More conviction
48. Pay more attention
49. Hunt more whales
40. Less crime
41. More punishment
42. Less self-sabotage
43. More French
44. More staying awake until it I finish
45. More sleeping when it is done
46. More excitement
47. More peace
48. More performing
49. Less acting
50. More of myself: raw, naked, unafraid and unapologetic

List courtesy of Ben Nicols

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