Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Everything that's happened

Oh blog.

I last touched this place on September twenty-sixth, two thousand and ten. Today, december first, things are much different.

Change has once again fallen with the cold air. The world beneath my feet has begun once again to shift and sway. I was at a pretty bad point in my journey when I last wrote here. Though I didn't know it then, I indeed was.
I've found since then, that life, when viewed as a constant and everlasting series of trial and error, can become somewhat simpler than it previously was. A whole new series of broad subject within my life have rolled over and revealed their intricately complicated undersides. I feel that this has forced me to pay more attention to details. Study the details of schoolwork. Go to my job everyday, and work on the details. The broad picture is conquered. Love people again. Love their details. I've remembered why it is I love people. and why it is i want to help them, help themselves. It's been elegantly awesome.
Enough with the abstract talk.

I'm moving. yes. again. for the first time since July of this year.
and I;m excited. very very. I'm thrilled to be leaving this small, closet like, thing-place. I'm ready to be living in a house. Possibly even a home. I'm ready to come home to a yard. A living room. a desk. a chair. and a kitchen table. I need these things like I need water. Home. home. mmm it sounds so good. I'm so so so ready to be out of here and gone.

My studies are going well. Two As and a B would be the best case scenerio at this point in the game. (the game of this semester.) I believe things are about to become intensley more intricate, intensly more detailed, and much much more difficult. I will begin routine this Spring that not many would think of taking on. I feel though, that everything I have done and learned up to this point has prepared me for the challenges I will face. Challenges of time management. School and JOB mainainence. Things will be tough. undoubtedly. but I feel i'm ready. I've worked so hard to gain the ability to soak in information. It's almost now as if i can turn my ears on, sit, and wait to be filled like a sponge. It's a very very interesting form of physcological conditioning I suppose. That's what it feels like anyways. Like every proffessor cramming me with more than I can handle for 3 years now has caused me to adapt and develop an ability to keenly regurgitate knowledge.

So much has changed. and is still changing. It's amazing. I never fail to be surprised at the continued winds of pleasant change that are blowing though my life. and my soul.

God bless and keep you if you made it this far.


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