Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I suppose that to say things have been organized and boring would be a complete lie. My world of late has been sparatic, at best. Everywhere I've gone, there's been a four foot paper trail to follow. Numbers, terms, and powerpoints falling out of my pockets. It's been a mess, really.
The coming and going of my first Physics test brought less than satisfaction. I studied until I felt I couldn't possibly know the subject any better. I walked out of the classroom, confident I'd dominated the exam. Two hours later, grades posted.....75%.......C......crushed. Because of this number, because of that letter, my heart shrunk 3 times in my chest. It got quite the best of me, I must admit. You see, this semester means so much in terms of my future. Where I stand right now academically, is mildly sub-par to what a medical school expects in an applicant. And that simple thought alone, has come to rule my every moment. (Something it shouldn't be allowed to do). But I'm not the first undergrad that's been night/day tormented over this thought. it's quite I hear.
I was sitting at work at the college, handing out pool balls and refusing to smile, when a young man walked up, sporting an athlete's build, and asked nicely if any tables were available. I immediately was taken a bit back by the simple fact he wasn't joking or acting like a complete idiot to me (as most college athletes on this campus do.) Unfortunately, there were no tables available, so he'd have to wait on a set of billiards and Q's. He didn't seem to mind. Thinking back on things now, I couldn't be more happy that there wasn't a pool table open, because what he did next, changed my whole day.
The young man walked across the building and sat down at the public piano against the far wall. I was fully expecting to hear another sloppy rendition of the latest T-Pain or lil' Bow Wow hit....but's that't not what came. He played the most elaborate, beautiful rendition of the song "Hosanna in the Highest." And with each note, I could feel God's presence come into that place. Everything seemed to fade away, every bad moment I'd felt that day, every small bit of hurt in my soul was being mended. It was powerful. It was refreshing. It saved me, on that day.

I love hiding from civilization. I think it's become my worst new habit. But I'ma do it anyway. Call me a recluse haha. (if you must)

-proof that the savior is still saving.


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